‘Covid’s Forgotten Impact’ - Oil Painting

$500 plus shipping

Oil Painting on stretched canvas approximately 90cm(w) x 60cm(h)

Price: $500 (plus shipping) To purchase click the link below.

‘Covids Forgotten Impact’ is a poignant artwork that brings to light the often overlooked consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on our wildlife. While the human cost of the pandemic has been tragic and unforgettable, the impact on wildlife is a narrative that is rarely explored. This painting serves as a stark reminder of the unintended consequences of our actions - discarded masks finding their way into the ocean, leading to the unfortunate demise of turtles and other sea creatures.

However, the primary focus remains on the sea turtle’s beauty, allowing viewers to appreciate its magnificence while subtly nudging them to ponder upon the environmental impact of our actions during the pandemic. This artwork is not just a tribute, but a subtle call to awareness and responsibility. Experience the beauty, the subtlety, and the silent plea of “Covid’s Forgotten Impact”.


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